Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Tuscaloosa, Alabama

Tuscaloosa, Alabama -- I know exactly what you are thinking... why would I even PUT this dreadful place on my travel blog? Well, because it was one of my work trips (which is half the reason I am writing this blog), and I do believe some Crimson Tide fans would be quite disappointed in me for mocking their city/state because yes, I have to admit that I am making fun of both. A "roll tide" fan may ask why. Well here it is -- I have traveled through Alabama plenty of times and though it's Mississippi's "flipped twin," it's not quite Mississippi. Sure, I may be partial because there is not much to the big Magnolia (Tres says I love my home-state so much I should be an ambassador for it...), but I can at least tell you that Mississippi has better roads, highways, more understandable roadsigns, and not every so-called large town looks exactly the same. So maybe it's just the driving part I dislike so much. But I have to say, as a die-hard southerner and lover of all southern states, I can't place it on my "S*%@ List" (I'll leave that for those states above the Mason-Dixon Line). So, the state that "Stars Fell On" will just have to go at the bottom of the Worst Southern States list. Sorry, Alabama.

So some positives about Alabmama... well we know it's a southern state and that makes it a true positive, but in the cheerleading world, the state of Alabama is nothing but positive, and that's why I was there. The University of Alabama hold the largest UCA cheerleading camp in the nation. They have several camps a summer there, but the first two are two of the biggest. People from states all over come to this camp. I still haven't figured out why exactly, but they do, and it makes UCA happy! So, I was there to do cheerleading camp coverage for Varsity Wired, our video on demand channel. It was a hot two days in June (reiterating that south thing), but we got some great coverage that is now up on our great website! Here is the link to all the videos we shot at the U of A (the first one is my favorite)! Check it out!


Friday, September 5, 2008

Running out of Time!

I just realized how behind I actually am on my blog. Yes, I have been behind the entire time I have been writing it, but I told myself I would get caught up before I went to Cabo San Lucas. Well, that trip has been planned since like April, and I am still on the month of MAY in my travel blog when it's already SEPTEMBER! And guess what?! Those vacations sure do sneak up on you because a week from today, I will be packing a bag to hit the west side of Mexico!

I am going to attempt to get all of my past voyages recorded before this time next week! Here are the places you have to look forward to reading about from the last three months... starting with AL in June and ending with GA in August! Ah... I just love those southern states!

  • Tuscaloosa, Alabama (work)
  • Milwaukee, Wisconsin (work)
  • Charleston, South Carolina (play)
  • Knoxville, Tennessee (play)
  • Atlanta, Georgia (play)

I'm almost there!!!!!!! Then in a week:

  • Cabo San Lucas, Mexico (play, play play!)

Gatlinburg, Tennessee

Just a little example of a Destination Wedding!

I have decided that destination weddings are the best weddings (and I am totally a wedding person). Here's why: First, you don't just get married, but you get married in a unique atmosphere... a place you are not used to and don't look at every day on your way to work or every Sunday when you are sitting in church. Plus, getting married is one of the most exciting things you will ever do in your life, so why not pick someplace extra-special to do it? Second, it's also a mini vacation before your honeymoon for you, your husband-to-be, and the fun people that attend the wedding. Who couldn't appreciate that? My third and number one reason for a destination wedding: When you get married somewhere not as "convenient" as somewhere in your hometown, only the people that really mean the world to you are going to show up. Not just Billie Jo and Bob down the street, who you haven't talked to in ages. Why would you want border-line strangers at your wedding? To me, weddings are intimate. You are saying eternal vows to someone and sharing the beginning of your new life with those guests at the wedding. I have no desire to do that in front of Bille Joe and Bob. I want to do that with the people who care enough (and I care about enough), to make the trip. NOTE: No where too over the top though... can't be expecting guests to dish out tons of money just to see you say "I do."

Molly and the girls from work!

Why am I going into this spill? Does it have anything to do with my "travel" blog? Well, yes it does! Because it's the reason I was in Gatlinburg, TN the second weekend in May! My great friend from work, Molly, and her now husband, Dale, were getting married. Both from the great, southern state of Georgia, but both work and live in Memphis. So, they decided to have their guests "meet in the middle." Plus, who could blame them; they had a gorgeous wedding on top of a mountain, with an excellent view, and a super-fun cabin reception. Very "southern-classy" just exactly the way I would describe Molly!

Molly, Dale, and the Varsity office that made it to the wedding!

Which bring me to another point: every wedding should reflect the person(s) getting married (to a certain extent). Let me explain. I was channel surfing the other night and came across a television show called "Redneck Weddings." You know wedding shows such as "Bridezilla," "Platinum Weddings," and "Whose Wedding is it Anyway?" Well, similar to that (as far as following the bride and groom around and showing the "plans" come alive), but not quite the same. These brides and their groomys were not having the classic wedding; they were having "redneck" weddings. No, not as a joke, but because they were proud of being so "country." Now, I am a southern girl, and anyone that knows me knows how proud I am of that, but there is a difference in "southern" and "country." These people had camouflage bridesmaid dresses, a "hay" aisle for the bride to walk down, and deer heads on the walls of the barn. Yes, I just said BARN... they chose a place where cows shit for their "I do's." I was disgusted.

I certainly hate to offend anyone, but this is completely unacceptable!

I then started thinking about all of the "bad" weddings I have been to. There have been more than enough. No camo dresses or deer heads, but things I will not even get into. All I am saying is be yourself, have a wedding that reflects the person you are, and do what it takes to entertain your guests, but ABOVE ALL... if you are going to be classy ONE TIME in your entire life, PLEASE let it be at your wedding!!!!!!!

Me and Tres in the mountains!

Back to Molly's wedding and the weekend in Gatlinburg. I could not have pictured a more perfect wedding for her and Dale... simple, classy, "southern" (thank God), and FUN! The ceremony overlooked the gorgeous Smoky Mountains, the reception was in a gigantic cabin with food, booze, and fun people. And the late night (because all GOOD weddings go past Midnight) was carried to another cabin where a group of about 15 people stayed! It could not have been more unique, reflect Molly and Dale any more, and of course... it was CLASSY! The wedding expert gives it a perfect 10!