Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Tuscaloosa, Alabama

Tuscaloosa, Alabama -- I know exactly what you are thinking... why would I even PUT this dreadful place on my travel blog? Well, because it was one of my work trips (which is half the reason I am writing this blog), and I do believe some Crimson Tide fans would be quite disappointed in me for mocking their city/state because yes, I have to admit that I am making fun of both. A "roll tide" fan may ask why. Well here it is -- I have traveled through Alabama plenty of times and though it's Mississippi's "flipped twin," it's not quite Mississippi. Sure, I may be partial because there is not much to the big Magnolia (Tres says I love my home-state so much I should be an ambassador for it...), but I can at least tell you that Mississippi has better roads, highways, more understandable roadsigns, and not every so-called large town looks exactly the same. So maybe it's just the driving part I dislike so much. But I have to say, as a die-hard southerner and lover of all southern states, I can't place it on my "S*%@ List" (I'll leave that for those states above the Mason-Dixon Line). So, the state that "Stars Fell On" will just have to go at the bottom of the Worst Southern States list. Sorry, Alabama.

So some positives about Alabmama... well we know it's a southern state and that makes it a true positive, but in the cheerleading world, the state of Alabama is nothing but positive, and that's why I was there. The University of Alabama hold the largest UCA cheerleading camp in the nation. They have several camps a summer there, but the first two are two of the biggest. People from states all over come to this camp. I still haven't figured out why exactly, but they do, and it makes UCA happy! So, I was there to do cheerleading camp coverage for Varsity Wired, our video on demand channel. It was a hot two days in June (reiterating that south thing), but we got some great coverage that is now up on our great website! Here is the link to all the videos we shot at the U of A (the first one is my favorite)! Check it out!


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